Nashville Mayor John Cooper Tells Residents How Many People They Are Allowed to Have Over for Thanksgiving


If you live in Nashville and you plan to celebrate Thanksgiving with nine or more friends or loved ones then think again.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper told Davidson County residents Thursday, via his Facebook page, that they may not have that many guests.

“Effective Monday, November 23. Restrict all gatherings to eight people if you must gather. Eight people is the limit whether you are at a restaurant or your backyard,” according to Cooper’s announcement, which he called his “Rule of Eight.”

“Limit public and private gatherings to eight people. Record COVID hospitalizations are straining hospitals. Restricting social contacts is critical to stopping the spread of COVID. Please reconsider any plans to gather with people outside of your household, including Thanksgiving.”

Put mildly, Cooper’s orders didn’t sit well with some people, at least going by the comments under Cooper’s post.

Shannon Marie told Cooper that he allowed rioting downtown last May, despite COVID-19.

“You can plant tulips on my backside,” Marie said.

Paige Potter Hayden, meanwhile, asked Cooper how this works “with people who have immediate families of more than eight people?”

Jordan and Brandi Griffin asked Cooper the following:

“You and what army are going to walk into every PRIVATE residence and stop us? This is a Constitutional Republic, your majesty Orwell. You work for us, remember? Sit down.”

As reported this month, emails reveal how Cooper and members of his staff mishandled the COVID-19 emergency and downplayed the number of COVID-19 cases coming from the city’s bars and restaurants. Cooper later ordered those bars and restaurants closed.

“Candidly, Cooper’s level of transparency on this will get an F from me. They pretend like there was [transparency]. But there really wasn’t,” Metro Nashville At-Large Council member Steve Glover said at the time.

As The Tennessee Star reported in September, a Nashville attorney who represents Kid Rock’s Big Honky Tonk owner Steve Smith said Cooper misstated facts when he said White House officials influenced him to close bars on lower Broadway to contain COVID-19.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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4 Thoughts to “Nashville Mayor John Cooper Tells Residents How Many People They Are Allowed to Have Over for Thanksgiving”

  1. TxM

    Folks need to quietly monitor the Mayors’ residence on Thanksgiving, capturing all the visitors on video and snapshots. I am confident that he is going to host more than 8 guests, or visit another party with a similar number of folks. Then send it all to the Star !!

  2. David S. Blackwell RN, BSN

    We are having 20 guest. Tell the Mayor where he can shove it.

  3. Kevin

    John Cooper is a moron and so is anybody who subscribes to his BS!

    Does he really believe that the virus becomes any more or less contagious when there are eight people or less in a room? The things that are now being foisted upon us as science is scary!

    But don’t be misled by the misdirection and prestidigitation. This is all about money! Cooper is trying to milk the Federal teat for every cent, and deposit a large portion of it into his or his cronies pockets!

  4. LM

    Mayor Cooper , you are going to keep on until you cause a revolt in Nashville. Too many people are done with this scamdemic , done with your power crazy “health experts” , and done with you.
